วันเสาร์ที่ 13 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2556

The Early Church Fathers - Ante Nicene Fathers Volume 3-Latin Christianity: Tertullian (The Early Church FathAnte Nicene)

The Early Church Fathers - Ante Nicene Fathers Volume 3-Latin Christianity: Tertullian (The Early Church FathAnte Nicene) Review

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Looking for the writings of the Early Church Fathers for your Kindle? You are in the right place!

You are about to purchase The Ante-Nicene Fathers Volume 3-Latin Christianity: Tertullian by Philip Schaff. This collection is truly astonishing with thousands and thousands of pages of information! The Early Church Fathers is an EXHAUSTIVE study tool, used by countless scholars and laymen for well over 100 years.
Presented in 3 parts, this authoritative collection of writings by the Early Church Fathers is essential for understanding patristic thought, and is an invaluable tool to theology students everywhere.

This download contains:

Ante Nicene Fathers Volume 3-Latin Christianity: Tertullian

Don't pass up this opportunity to obtain a copy of this invaluable Bible reference resource, and also check out the other Volumes available in the series as well (38 Volumes total) Search the Kindle Store for "GraceWorks Multimedia" to see all of the available titles.

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